What are limitations? Aren’t they offsides too? Aren’t they things that we believe we can’t do? Or things we believe stop us from reaching where we want to go? How many limitations do you have? I believe every one of us has infinity of limitations facing them.
Limitations also begin to nurture inside us throughout our journey of life, from outside and inside, Anthony Robbins said it well: “its upon our potential that we take action, and from the results of our actions generates a certain belief in our potential”, taking a look at this, during our journey, makes perfect sense on limitations, since belief in potential can be as much negative as positive it can be.
Limitations are results of bad experiences, either ours or surprisingly the experience of our entourage. You’d think of a brilliant idea, and even before putting it into further thinking, some internal sound would interfere your creativity to whisper sadly “it won’t work”.
Limitations are creativity killers; they are the very single reason for the failure of our brilliant and crazy ideas. I just can picture if everyone on planet earth submitted and surrendered to their limitations, I would be writing this book of mine on stones, or even not writing it basically. The evolution of the human being was a series of creativity activities that consequently prevailed his limitations.
In one of my public seminars, I was pointing that point when I addressed the audience with the word imagine…
Imagine I had an extra eye in my finger, what could I do?
You could see easily more than 70% of the crowd with a perplexed look on their faces, what the hell could someone do with this? Why is he asking this question? How could this be? This can never happen, etc…
Then I proceeded: You see you surrendered immediately for your own and other’s limitations, even coming to think of it as I said “Imagine”, but you missed the fact that this idea came across a lot of persons who invented things that you use now, and most of you have on them, the camera, with all its types!
A +25 Billion dollar company called facebook originally started with the word “imagine!”, a happening world cup in Doha, Qatar, in 2022, the first football world cup version to be organized in the middle east, in an Arab country, started with the same word. Many of the things you use on daily basis, your lifestyle shall we say, started with the word “IMAGINE!”
It’s very common to hear statements like “it won’t work”, “who do you think you are?”, “are you crazy?” daily, we don’t often hear the opposite of these statements from our entourage; I guess they are giving us a bad legacy… their limitations; they are transferring their bad experience, and their own failures for us to take lessons from. Amazing.
We grow up being a small piece of moving meat, and then our movements get more and more conditioned with our bodies, we learn baby steps, then we walk, start talking, saying whatever, then we learn our so called “mother tongue”, which eventually was created by man to help communicate, then slowly but surely we begin to get more and more conditioned by the things we can do, are allowed to do, things that are forbidden, and it comes without saying, things that we can’t do.
We begin to have our internal limitations, being raised by our parents, the friends and family, the society, and our very own experiences. I remember I used to adore playing piano, by instinct, at the age of 6 or 7, I put my fingers on that old piano my dad bought so that my older brother starts to learn to play, and that he never did, and I started playing absolutely any tune that I heard, without even learning the notes or anything related formally to it.
I can see now the conditioning my father did to my older brother, getting him a piano, I remember his words back then to his friend: ”I want him to play piano”, may be he got what he wanted as Shady, my older brother, started to learn eventually how to play, but after a little while, that piano was merely touched. My parent’s conditioning didn’t stop there, few years later, as they saw me getting better and better in playing, they got me a piano teacher, thinking that this would make me go the next level, unfortunately, as playing piano was now a three times a week lesson, that teacher built inside me a huge limitation that I did not notice before, which was that I am left handed! I played the main tunes with my left hand, and when the lessons advanced into playing the tunes with my right hand, and use the left hand playing the Accord, I gave it up, and soon enough I stopped not only going to the piano lessons, but also playing the tunes I used to like before.
I can’t ski, I tried many times and it didn’t work… I am a nervous person; I get to an aggressive state easily… I am a shy person; I can’t even initiate a conversation… I can not do more than one thing at a time…I can’t stop smoking, I am addicted to it.
Read the above and jot down your limitations, after you finish, re-read them and think…think who is saying this inside you? Is it you? Or your limitations? Is it possibly someone who implied this once to you, or made you think of it the way you are doing now? think of your comfort zone, and put a line under each limitation you plan to overcome, take it baby steps out of your comfort zone, face your fears, your doubts, and as you got them into your system, so long ago, get them out now.